Well-founded decisions require complete data

For IT professionals, IT managers and executives in mid-sized organizations, Docusnap offers a revolutionary way to manage IT. With automatic, recurring inventory, comprehensive reporting and complete network visibility, Docusnap ensures that the network is optimally managed.

Why Docusnap for your company?

The Docusnap software regularly inventories the entire IT network and provides all the information in clear reports and plans. With Docusnap, IT managers always have an up-to-date overview of their IT network.

Automatic inventory

You no longer have to deal with the challenge of continuous and manual inventory. Docusnap automates this process, ensuring timeliness and accuracy and eliminating human error. Your entire network landscape is automatically captured, from hardware components to software licenses and their usage.

In-depth reporting

With Docusnap, you don't just get data. You get insights. Automatically generated reports, network maps and diagrams provide you with a visual and understandable presentation of your IT infrastructure. These valuable resources support you in your decision-making, simplify compliance checks and make it easier to identify optimization potential.

Overview of your IT network

Don't ignore the risk posed by unobserved corners of your network. Docusnap provides you with a unique and complete overview of all components of your IT network. From servers and workstations to installed software and license management - with Docusnap you always have an overview.

Advantages for IT managers

Docusnap automatically and regularly provides you with complete overviews and meaningful summaries of your IT. Use this knowledge to optimize your processes and save costs. Only those who know their IT can make well-founded decisions.

Increased efficiency

The automation of routine inventory tasks with the innovative Docusnap software leads to considerable savings in time and resources. These savings allow you to invest more capacity in strategic projects and the further development of your company. Implementing Docusnap in your IT operations not only improves the efficiency of your inventory processes, but also significantly increases the performance of your entire IT department. This leads to optimized resource utilization and an overall improved IT infrastructure that is designed to meet the future needs of your business.

Graphic increased efficiency
graphic searching for security mistakes

Minimizing risk

Using Docusnap, you always have a comprehensive overview of the current status of your network. This valuable software enables you to react proactively to vulnerabilities and potential security risks by providing detailed information and analyses. This allows you to strengthen your network security and identify and address potential problems at an early stage.

Cost reduction

The optimal use of your IT resources and the avoidance of overprovisioning through precise inventory data not only lead to a noticeable reduction in your operating costs, but also improve the efficiency of your entire IT operations. With accurate data on available resources, you can ensure that each component is used optimally, which contributes to the increased performance of your IT infrastructure.

Graphic cost reduction
„Docusnap erlaubt eine umfassende IT-Dokumentation und IT-Analyse der gesamten IT-Umgebung.
Daraus lassen sich wichtige Erkenntnisse, Verbesserungspotenziale und Optimierungsansätze herausarbeiten.“

Günter Raab

Produktmanager, Deutsche Aglubdu GmbH

„Docusnap erlaubt eine umfassende IT-Dokumentation und IT-Analyseder gesamten IT-Umgebung. Daraus lassen sich wichtige Erkenntnisse,Verbesserungspotenziale und Optimierungsansätze herausarbeiten.“

Günter Raab

Produktmanager, Deutsche Telekom Technischer Service GmbH

Docusnap considerably lightens the user's workload. You don't have to gather the data from a lot of different tools any longer. With Docusnap, all desired information is optimally prepared and within reach at any time.

Gottfried Stamm

System administrator, Heinemann GmbH

Before the implementation of Docusnap, it was hard to find out where the data was actually stored. Now, we get a professional IT documentation automatically at the click of a button.

Martin Teufel

Head of IT, Klocke Pharma-Service GmbH

Our infrastructure had various challenges in store for us. With Docusnap, we could solve all these issues quickly and reliably.

Thomas Volmer

IT-Manager, Tropical Island Holding GmbH
Graphic decision support in Docusnap

Decision support

Detailed and easy-to-interpret reports provide you with a solid data basis that enables you to make informed decisions. These reports present complex data in an understandable form so that you have the information you need to achieve your strategic and operational goals quickly and efficiently.

Compliance and control

Docusnap not only supports you in meeting compliance requirements, but also facilitates this process through comprehensive and complete documentation and precise record keeping. This software enables you to ensure that all necessary information is available and traceable at all times in order to meet regulatory standards and face audits with peace of mind.

Graphic automated Documentation for Data Protection

Optimize your IT structure

Docusnap offers you a comprehensive solution for IT inventory, documentation and analysis.


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In which formats can the maps be exported?

The maps can be exported in various formats such as PDF, Visio and PNG.

Can Docusnap also supplement manual documentation?

Yes, in addition to the automatic recording of the IT environment, manually entered data can also be added.

How often are the dynamic IT concepts updated?

Updates are carried out automatically at regular intervals, which can be configured by the user to ensure that information is always up to date.

In which formats can the reports be exported?

The reports can be exported in various formats such as PDF, Excel, Word and HTML.

Can the representations of the IT relationships be customized?

Yes, the displays can be customized and extended to meet specific requirements and company guidelines.

Which reports can be created from the analysis data?

Docusnap automatically generates over 200 reports, plans and evaluations. These include performance analyses, network utilization, security assessments and compliance reports.

How is data security guaranteed when accessing the information?

Data security is guaranteed by encrypted connections, detailed access rights and regular security updates.

How often should the permission analysis be carried out?

It is advisable to carry out the permission analysis regularly, for example monthly or quarterly, to ensure that permissions remain up to date.

How are the communication paths displayed in Docusnap?

The communication evaluations can be output graphically in the form of diagrams or textually in reports and tables.

Can the representations of the IT dependencies be adapted?

Yes, the displays can be customized and extended to meet specific company requirements.

What are the advantages of displaying the physical infrastructure?

It improves the management and maintenance of the hardware, supports the planning of extensions and changes and facilitates fault diagnosis.

Can license status and usage reports be generated?

Yes, Docusnap automatically generates detailed reports on current license status, license usage and potential license violations.

Can the CMDB also be updated manually?

Yes, in addition to automatic recording, data can also be added or updated manually in the CMDB to take special requirements into account.

Can historical changes to IT assets be tracked?

Yes, Docusnap stores historical data and changes to IT assets, enabling detailed tracking and analysis.

What advantages does multi-client capability offer IT service providers?

IT service providers can create a separate client for each customer in Docusnap and thus very easily create individual customer documentation.

How does Docusnap support the customization of inventory processes?

The inventory processes can be flexibly configured in terms of scope, depth and frequency in order to meet individual requirements.

Is country-specific formatting, e.g. for dates, also taken into account when selecting the language?

Yes, all data is stored in Docusnap in a language- and country-format-neutral manner and is therefore output in the appropriate format when the language is selected.

Can data import and export be automated?

Yes, Docusnap enables the automation of data import and export processes to simplify recurring tasks.

Can Docusnap help you prepare for audits and certifications?

Yes, Docusnap automatically generates reports and documentation that meet the requirements of audits and certifications, making it much easier for IT managers to prepare.

How does Docusnap contribute to improving IT security?

Docusnap provides comprehensive security analysis and reports that help IT administrators identify vulnerabilities and take appropriate action to improve security.

How does Docusnap contribute to improving the IT security strategy?

Docusnap provides valuable data and insights that help IT security officers make informed decisions and continuously improve their security strategies.

How does Docusnap support distance learning (e-learning)?

Docusnap supports the IT infrastructure for e-learning by enabling reliable documentation and management of IT systems and networks, ensuring that distance learning runs smoothly.

How does Docusnap contribute to the optimization of license management for customers?

Docusnap supports IT service providers in efficient license management by enabling accurate recording and management of all software licenses and thus preventing license violations.

How does Docusnap contribute to improving risk management?

Docusnap supports risk management by enabling reliable documentation and analysis of IT systems and networks, facilitating informed decision-making and risk minimization.

How does Docusnap contribute to improving patient management?

Docusnap supports the IT infrastructure required for patient management by enabling reliable documentation and management of IT systems and networks, ensuring smooth operations.

How does Docusnap contribute to increasing efficiency in production?

Docusnap supports the IT infrastructure required for production processes by enabling reliable documentation and management of IT systems and networks, ensuring greater efficiency and less downtime.

How does Docusnap help to increase efficiency and reduce costs in public institutions?

Docusnap supports the efficient management of IT resources, leading to improved efficiency and cost reduction in public institutions by enabling reliable documentation and analysis of IT systems.

Is it possible to export network maps from Docusnap?

Yes, Docusnap allows you to export network diagrams in various formats (e.g. PDF, Visio) so that they can be easily shared, presented or used for documentation purposes.

How does Docusnap contribute to improving IT security through user permissions?

Docusnap identifies superfluous or incorrect permissions and thus helps to close potential security gaps by granting only necessary access rights.

How does Docusnap contribute to the security of license information?

Docusnap stores all license information centrally and securely, simplifying access to and management of license-related data and ensuring its integrity.

How does Docusnap help improve network management and troubleshooting?

By providing detailed and up-to-date network information, Docusnap enables effective network management and facilitates the rapid diagnosis and resolution of problems.

Can Docusnap support the implementation of emergency drills?

Yes, Docusnap's detailed plans and documentation make it easier to conduct emergency drills and check the effectiveness of IT contingency plans.

How is the inventory of the IT environment carried out technically in Docusnap?

Docusnap uses various protocols such as WMI, SSH and SNMP to retrieve and inventory data from the devices in the network.

How often should IT documentation be updated?

The update frequency can be set individually; however, regular updates are recommended, e.g. monthly or quarterly.

How does Docusnap support the distribution of reports?

Docusnap can automatically distribute reports via email or save them to a central network folder to facilitate access for authorized persons.

How often should an IT analysis be carried out?

The frequency of implementation depends on the specific requirements, but a regular analysis, e.g. monthly or quarterly, is recommended.

Is it possible to create custom asset categories?

Yes, Docusnap allows the creation of custom categories for better organization and management of IT assets.

How does Docusnap contribute to the continuous improvement of IT contingency planning?

Docusnap enables regular analysis and reporting, allowing vulnerabilities to be identified and the IT contingency plan to be continuously improved.

Do agents have to be installed on the target systems for the inventory?

No, the use of standard protocols means that it is not necessary to install agents on the systems to be inventoried.

Which reports can be created with Docusnap?

Docusnap automatically generates over 200 reports. These include system and network overviews, security and authorization reports, license evaluations and much more.

Can Docusnap use historical data for trend analysis?

Yes, Docusnap stores historical data that can be used for trend analyses and long-term planning.

Is the IT inventory data automatically updated by Docusnap?

Yes, Docusnap can be configured to perform regular automatic IT inventories and update the database accordingly.

Is it possible to create customized documentation?

Yes, Docusnap allows you to create custom IT documentation tailored to your organization's specific needs.

Does Docusnap support compliance with security policies?

By analyzing and  reporting on current security statuses, Docusnap helps to ensure compliance  with internal and external security guidelines.

Is the inventory data archived?

Yes, Docusnap saves the data from the last four IT inventories as standard. The number can be set as required. However, please note that the database size can quickly become very large if several inventories are saved.

Can the IT documentation be exported?

Yes, the documentation created can be exported in various formats such as PDF, Word and Excel.

How flexible are the analysis options in Docusnap?

Docusnap offers flexible analysis options that can be adapted to the specific needs and requirements of a company.

Can I create reports based on the IT inventory data?

Yes, Docusnap offers extensive reporting functions that make it possible to create detailed reports based on the recorded inventory data.

How are the results of the IT analysis presented?

The results of the IT analysis are presented in the form of detailed reports, plans, diagrams and evaluations that are easy to understand and interpret.