Das Wichtigste in Kürze:
- Geräteverwaltung vereinfachen: Die zentrale Dokumentation von Firmengeräten wie Smartphones und Tablets ermöglicht einen schnellen Überblick über alle eingesetzten Geräte und deren Status. Dies reduziert den Verwaltungsaufwand und erleichtert die Nachverfolgung bei Verlust oder Diebstahl.
- Compliance und Sicherheit sicherstellen: Durch die lückenlose Erfassung von Geräten und zugehörigen Daten, wie z. B. IMEI-Nummern oder Benutzerzuweisungen, wird sichergestellt, dass Unternehmen gesetzliche Vorgaben und Sicherheitsrichtlinien einhalten können.
- Kostenkontrolle optimieren: Mit einer detaillierten Übersicht über alle mobilen Geräte können Unternehmen unnötige Kosten vermeiden, z. B. durch rechtzeitige Vertragsverlängerungen oder die Identifizierung ungenutzter Geräte.

Today, it is impossible to imagine a company without smartphones or tablets. The small and now also quite large devices are used in a wide variety of scenarios. In addition to mobile accessibility, they have also positioned themselves in the best possible way in the corresponding niches.
Some may still remember how nice it was not to be constantly reachable. Or how the pre-planned daily routine, especially in the field, was not completely overturned by a call or an e-mail. On the other hand, mobile devices have enabled ways of working that hardly anyone would have thought of 20 years ago. Not only was availability by phone a positive feature for many, but also access to the Internet, which is now available practically everywhere. And thus also to e-mail and internal company resources, whether in the car, in a café or in the preferred “salesman’s restaurant” with the capital M.
Smart devices are no longer purely prestige items
In the meantime, the former prestige that a mobile phone radiated and transferred directly to its owner is old news. Even in companies, it is no longer just select individuals such as CEOs or sales managers who have a smartphone or tablet financed by the company. The use of these devices has expanded to many different areas. Sometimes they are actually used for mobile accessibility even within the building, such as for building services. On the other hand, they can also be used to enable important security functions for other employees, such as “multi-factor authentication” (MFA).
The reasons why employees suddenly have company smartphones and tablets in addition to normal standalone devices are varied and differ from company to company. However, the number of devices inevitably increases along with the range of possible uses. And at the latest when the mobile device is exchanged for a new one, it becomes confusing and time-consuming to keep track of everything.
Where have they gone?
Mobile devices, especially smartphones or tablets, have the unpleasant characteristic for IT administrators of disappearing from view once issued to the employee. These devices often cannot log on to the Windows network domain.
Fortunately, the days when extremely limited mobile tariffs made their appearance are also over. Today, even the cheap rates have gigabyte-sized data packages. This also means that a connection to a wifi network (WLan) is no longer mandatory. However, this also means that an automatically generated overview suffers, in which such devices do not automatically show up. The alternative would be so-called agents, which constantly send information from the device to a host. This is not desirable in every company.
Reliable information is more important than ever
For anyone who maintains clean documentation of their network and IT equipment, this state of affairs is a thorn in the side. Manual recording is still the smallest challenge. Ensuring that a device is not forgotten is the bigger challenge. To ensure that smartphones and tablets are also part of the documented base, Docusnap offers the option of also entering such devices, which cannot be reached by the automatic scans, into the databases with a lot of additional information. The big advantage is that all devices together with regular network devices, computers, notebooks, printers are centrally managed and evaluated in a single application. We show you in our short video how easy it is.
This keeps the complete overview of all devices in one central point. Likewise, these devices find their place in emergency manuals, inventory lists, documentation and in all other areas that Docusnap makes available by means of the detailed reports and overview maps.
With this feature, Docusnap is not only suitable for managing smartphones or tablets, but for all IT assets that you want to document and inventory.
Additional Information
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Definieren Sie zuerst klare Richtlinien rund um den Einsatz und die Verantwortlichkeiten Ihrer Firmenhandys, um eine strukturierte Verwaltung zu gewährleisten. Nutzen Sie anschließend die Docusnap-Funktionen, wie die zentrale Inventarisierung und Compliance-Prüfung, um sämtliche mobilen Endgeräte transparent zu managen. Laden Sie sich die kostenlose Testversion von Docusnap herunter und profitieren Sie direkt von einem automatisierten, sicheren Firmenhandy-Management.
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