Inventorying SharePoint Servers

Stefan Effenberger

IT Documentation Expert

last updated







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3 Minuten


Inventorying SharePoint Servers

You can inventory your SharePoint Servers just like Microsoft Exchange Servers. Due to its performance, which has increased considerably over the last years, this product has become much more comprehensive, especially with respect to the databases operating in the background. The current version consists of many individual databases, with the server roles widely distributed. Thus, it is becoming more and more important to also document this solution. Detailed instructions on how to proceed with the inventory can be found as usually in the Docusnap User Manual. Again, there is no need to install an additional software agent on the SharePoint servers, but instead, you simply use a wizard in the Docusnap application.

Remember that it is also of vital importance to properly document your SharePoint server farm. As you know from Exchange Servers or SQL Servers, any attempt to do this manually would certainly be quite futile. To document the configuration in a comprehensive way, there are simply too many pieces of information to be retrieved. When inventorying a SharePoint server, Docusnap also retrieves the associated permissions structure, so that you can use the Permission Analysis module to analyse and document which user has access to what.

Keep an eye on statutory regulations related to documentation!

If you store business management documents in your SharePoint environment, there might be a statutory obligation in your country to document the configuration of and access rights to your SharePoint servers. It must be possible to retrieve current information at any time, as pertinent legislation, such as the commercial code or generally accepted principles for computerized accounting systems might oblige you to always have the documentation and process description available. So if you store corresponding documents on your SharePoint server, make sure to check and amend your process description, if necessary. With this in mind, it becomes even more obvious how important it is to document your SharePoint servers with Docusnap.

Choose the easy way and automate the documentation process for the configuration of this server product. Once you have set up this process, the only thing left for you to do is to watch for the successful completion of the inventory scans. Docusnap provides you with the necessary inventory data.

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