Complete tedious standard tasks with IT documentation

Stefan Effenberger

IT Documentation Expert

last updated







Reading time

3 Minuten


Complete tedious standard tasks with IT documentation

The tasks of an IT department are usually diverse, interesting and not infrequently very demanding. Many of the challenges require a great deal of know-how and, above all, the willingness to enjoy learning new things all the time. But that’s exactly why many have dedicated themselves to the profession of IT administrator. However, as in almost any other profession, there are tasks that are not really challenging, in fact downright annoying, monotonous and not liked by the affinity IT employees.

We are talking about the tasks that primarily concern the overview, administration and organization. For example, the allocation and management of licenses for operating systems and deployed software. Or the monitoring of maintenance contracts that need to be renewed on a regular basis. And ongoing warranty contracts with IT equipment manufacturers also have expiration dates. Here, any well-managed IT must always keep an eye on the expiration date.

In most cases, the content is quite passive and only comes to light in an emergency. Just think of an expired warranty for the server that has just issued an error message for defective hardware.

The basis is professional IT documentation

If a company already has professional IT documentation in place, such as Docusnap, many processes that once required a lot of hard work and manual labor on the part of IT employees are now fully automated.

For example, all workstations and servers are automatically inventoried, and the installed version and patch numbers of the installed operating systems and software are also stored. But whether there is an existing maintenance contract, a still valid warranty contract or a valid license for the corresponding device cannot be detected in this way. Unfortunately, it cannot be read out automatically either.

Manual additions complete professional IT documentation

Different programs are often used to list warranties or maintenance contracts. In most cases, Excel lists are created for this purpose and all the necessary information is meticulously stored in the table.

Although the information is stored “somewhere”, it is not linked or assigned to existing devices.
The situation is different with professional IT documentation software such as Docusnap. Although the required information is entered manually here as well, maintenance contracts or warranty certificates can be stored here along with the current renewal or expiration date. Additional information can also easily be added manually.

On the one hand, this has the advantage that expiration dates are automatically included in the course of regular reporting to management or IT managers. On the other hand, Docusnap has an integrated alarm system that informs the responsible parties even before the contracts expire.
Our video tutorial shows step by step how this is realized in Docusnap.



Docusnap not only gives you a better overview in your daily IT routine, it also combines all useful information in a central and regularly updated database. With the integrated or self-created reports, all desired information can be output clearly and, above all, constantly updated at the push of a button.

If you would like to test Docusnap yourself, we offer you the software solution at for 30 days free of charge.

This gives you enough time to convince yourself of Docusnap. Do you have any questions? That’s no problem either. Because our professional support team offers you full support even during the free phase. And if you have any questions about the purchase, our friendly sales team will also be happy to help you.

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