Safety and efficiency for the education system

Docusnap offers customized solutions designed to improve the efficiency, predictability and compliance of IT environments in educational institutions.

Compliance with data protection guidelines

In the education sector, compliance with data protection regulations plays a central role in ensuring the safety and privacy of students and teaching staff. In particular, it is important to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and local data protection laws. Docusnap helps educational institutions meet these requirements by automating the process of creating and managing the necessary documentation. This includes processing registers, data protection impact assessments and proof of compliance with data protection principles. By automating these processes, Docusnap helps to save time while ensuring that all necessary data protection measures are documented and verifiable at all times.

Increased efficiency

Automated processes minimize manual effort and increase efficiency in the management of data protection requirements.


Docusnap offers traceable and complete documentation, especially for audits by supervisory authorities.

Graphic automated Documentation for Data Protection

Keep an eye on your costs

With a comprehensive overview of your IT network, you can effectively manage the available budget, create sound cost planning and identify potential investment opportunities at the same time. This allows you to ensure that your IT infrastructure is optimally tailored to the needs of your facility.

Security and compliance thanks to comprehensive authorization analysis

In education, it is crucial to ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive data and systems. This is particularly important as the security and integrity of information is a high priority in the education environment. For this reason, Docusnap provides automated authorization analysis for a variety of areas, including the Windows file system, Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SharePoint. This enables educational institutions to effectively protect their data and systems and ensure compliance with data protection policies.

Umfassende Berechtigungsanalyse

Überprüfen Sie für beliebige Benutzer, auf welche Daten diese zugreifen können. Oder prüfen Sie umgekehrt wer auf bestimmte Verzeichnisse welche Zugriffsrechte hat.

Detaillierte Berechtigungsvererbung

Ermitteln Sie auf einfache und schnelle Weise, wie die Berechtigungen von beliebigen Benutzern, sowohl für NTFS als auch für Freigaben, zusammengesetzt sind und wie sie vererbt werden.

Monitor and optimize network performance

In an environment where many users access network resources, it is critical to understand network topology and performance. Docusnap can visualize the network structure to uncover potential performance bottlenecks or security risks. This is particularly important to ensure the smooth functioning of the network and to optimize the efficiency of the systems. The software regularly creates the following fully automated plans, among others:

Network map

Layer 3 routing map

Topology map

Communication plan

graphic automated creation in Docusnap
graphic easy integration in Docusnap

Emergency planning and disaster recovery

Now more than ever, educational institutions need to be prepared for a variety of potential emergencies, including data loss, system failures, cyber-attacks and natural disasters such as floods and fires. Unfortunately, you can never protect yourself one hundred percent against such events. For this reason, it is vital that educational institutions have appropriate measures in place to plan and document disaster recovery processes so that they can respond quickly and efficiently in the event of an emergency. Docusnap offers precisely these functions and helps to strengthen the security and resilience of educational institutions.


Automating emergency and recovery plans not only saves you time in your day-to-day work. It also ensures that these documents are always up to date and that you can rely on them in an emergency.


Protect yourself actively against attacks. Docusnap supports you with regular documentation of the current firewall and virus scanner settings, as well as a variety of specific security reports.

Simpler IT management for educational institutions

Optimize your IT processes and save valuable time with Docusnap.


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Can Docusnap generate detailed reports on user permissions?

Yes, Docusnap creates detailed reports on current user permissions, including group memberships and access rights to various resources.

Can network maps be customized and updated in Docusnap?

Yes, network maps created in Docusnap can be easily customized and regularly updated to immediately reflect changes in the network infrastructure.

Can Docusnap monitor license usage compliance?

Yes, Docusnap helps ensure compliance with license agreements by generating reports on current usage and inventory of software licenses.

Can IT contingency plans be created directly in Docusnap?

Docusnap includes its own concept editor, which can be used to create your own documents, such as IT contingency plans. The information stored in Docusnap can be easily integrated into the concepts via drag & drop.

What types of network information can Docusnap capture?

Docusnap can capture a variety of network information, including IP addresses, subnets, device information, connection status and topologies.

How often should the IT inventory be carried out?

The inventory frequency can be determined individually, but regular performance, e.g. weekly or monthly, is recommended in order to always have up-to-date data.

Is it possible to customize the inventory modules?

Yes, the inventory modules can be adapted to the specific needs of the company, e.g. by filtering certain data or adjusting the scan intervals.

How often can the Discovery function be executed?

The discovery function can be started manually as required or carried out automatically at regular intervals (e.g. monthly or quarterly).

What technologies does Docusnap use for automatic inventory?

Docusnap uses standard protocols such as WMI, SSH or SNMP to capture IT assets and their configuration data.

Does Docusnap automatically create the IT documentation for me?

Yes, Docusnap creates over 200 reports, plans and evaluations based on the automatically inventoried data.

What challenges can Docusnap overcome when inventorying decentralized locations?

Docusnap helps to overcome challenges such as network bandwidth, different IT infrastructures and security settings through flexible configuration options.

How often should the maps be updated?

The update frequency can be set individually; however, regular updates are recommended in order to always have up-to-date maps.

What advantages do dynamic IT concepts offer?

They always provide up-to-date and accurate representations of the IT environment, facilitate the management of changes, improve decision-making and are indispensable aids in IT emergencies.

Can the reports be customized?

Yes, Docusnap allows customization and personalization of reports to meet specific requirements and company standards.

How is the data collected for the presentation of IT relationships?

The data is recorded by automatic inventory processes using protocols such as WMI, SSH and SNMP and linked in the system. In addition, connections can also be documented manually.

Can information be exported from Docusnap?

Yes, information can be exported in various formats such as PDF, Excel, Word and HTML.

How is the data collected for the permission analysis?

The data is collected automatically by scanning the IT environment, including Active Directory, file servers and other relevant systems.

Can Docusnap find vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure?

Yes, Docusnap can identify potential weaknesses and optimization needs in the IT infrastructure by analyzing the collected data.

What information is shown when displaying communication paths?

Details of the connections, devices involved, protocols used, ports and possible bottlenecks or misconfigurations are displayed.

How is the data for the presentation of IT dependencies recorded?

The data is recorded by automatic inventory processes using protocols such as WMI, SSH and SNMP and linked in the system. In addition, connections can also be documented manually.

What information is shown when displaying the physical infrastructure?

Details of devices, their locations, cabling, connections and physical arrangements within data centers, server rooms or offices are shown.

What information can be displayed in license management?

Details of license types, numbers, usage and expiration dates are displayed to provide a comprehensive license overview.

How can the history function help with troubleshooting?

By tracking changes, the history function can help to identify the cause of problems and narrow down the time period of the changes.

How is the inventory data integrated into the Docusnap CMDB?

The inventory data is automatically recorded through regular scans and inventories and integrated into the CMDB.

Can Docusnap automatically inventory and document IT assets?

Docusnap automatically inventories many IT assets such as servers, workstations and SNMP devices. However, there are also assets that Docusnap cannot record independently. These can be quickly added manually using simple input masks.

Can user rights be managed separately for different clients?

Yes, user rights can be assigned granularly per client so that only authorized users have access to the respective data and functions.

What advantages does business documentation offer companies?

It improves transparency, supports adherence to compliance requirements, facilitates audits and optimizes the planning and management of IT resources.

How can custom reports be created in Docusnap?

Custom reports can be created using the integrated report designer, which allows you to customize layouts, filters and data sources.

How can the corporate design be applied to the documentation?

The corporate design can be applied to all IT documentation by using custom templates that match the company branding.

Can I create my own templates for reports and documentation?

Yes, Docusnap allows you to create and save your own templates for reports and documentation to meet company-specific requirements.

Is it possible to assign individual access rights to users?

Yes, administrators can assign users individual access rights to specific modules and data in order to meet security and data protection requirements.

Can the language version be changed during use?

Yes, users can change the language settings at any time to use the software in another available language. The software must be restarted after the changeover.

Which data formats are supported when exporting data from Docusnap?

Docusnap supports various data formats for export, including CSV, XLSX, PDF and HTML, to enable flexible further processing of the data.

Ist es möglich, Daten in Docusnap zu importieren?

Ja, Docusnap bietet Funktionen zum Importieren von Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen wie CSV-Dateien und Datenbanken, um bestehende Informationen nahtlos zu integrieren.

Is SQL knowledge necessary to create your own database queries?

No, no SQL knowledge is required. An intuitive wizard supports the creation process and makes it easy to select the required information from the Docusnap data structure.

Does Docusnap365 have other interfaces in addition to the REST API?

Docusnap365 also offers the integration of Zapier and Powerautomate.

What role does Docusnap play in IT cost control?

Docusnap enables accurate tracking and monitoring of IT resources, allowing IT managers to better track costs, avoid budget overruns and optimize financial resources.

What advantages does Docusnap offer in the area of vulnerability management?

Docusnap enables the identification and documentation of vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure so that IT security officers can take targeted measures to minimize risks.

What advantages does Docusnap offer for license management?

Docusnap supports IT administrators in recording and managing software licenses, which helps to avoid license violations and unnecessary costs.

What advantages does Docusnap offer in the planning and implementation of IT projects?

Docusnap provides valuable insights and data on IT infrastructure to help IT service providers plan and implement IT projects and optimize project execution.

What advantages does Docusnap offer for planning and optimizing IT resources?

Docusnap provides valuable insights into the use and utilization of IT resources, helping educational institutions to plan and use their IT infrastructure optimally.

What advantages does Docusnap offer for the optimization of IT resources in financial institutions?

Docusnap provides valuable insights into the use and utilization of IT resources, helping financial institutions to plan and use their IT infrastructure optimally.

What advantages does Docusnap offer in optimizing IT resources in the healthcare sector?

Docusnap provides valuable insights into the use and utilization of IT resources, helping healthcare facilities to plan and use their IT infrastructure optimally.

What advantages does Docusnap offer for the optimization of IT resources in the industry?

Docusnap provides valuable insights into the use and utilization of IT resources, helping industrial companies to plan and use their IT infrastructure optimally.

What advantages does Docusnap offer for the optimization of IT resources in public institutions?

Docusnap provides valuable insights into the use and utilization of IT resources, which helps public institutions to plan and use their IT infrastructure optimally.

Can Docusnap support the recovery process after an IT failure?

Yes, Docusnap provides detailed documentation and recovery plans to help IT teams recover systems quickly and efficiently and minimize downtime.

What information is displayed in the Docusnap network diagrams?

The network plans created with Docusnap show detailed information about devices, connections, IP addresses, VLANs and other relevant network components.

How does Docusnap help to optimize license costs?

Docusnap provides detailed information about unused or unused licenses, allowing companies to optimize their license costs and avoid unnecessary expenses.

How does Docusnap help with user permission compliance?

Through regular reporting and auditing of user permissions, Docusnap helps ensure that all access rights meet compliance and security requirements.

Can IT contingency plans be updated regularly in Docusnap?

Yes, IT contingency plans in Docusnap can be automatically and regularly updated to reflect changes in the IT infrastructure or new threats in a timely manner.

How often is the network information updated in Docusnap?

The frequency of updating the network information in Docusnap can be configured as required; regular scans can be performed automatically.

What information is recorded during the IT inventory?

Docusnap records information such as device specifications, installed software, network configurations and user rights.

Is the data from the various inventory modules stored centrally?

Yes, all recorded data is stored centrally in a database and can be retrieved and analyzed via the Docusnap interface.

How often should the automatic inventory be carried out?

The frequency can be set individually, e.g. daily, weekly or monthly, to ensure that the IT documentation is always up to date.

What advantages does the discovery function offer companies?

It provides a constantly updated overview of the IT landscape, supports the management and planning of IT resources and helps to identify security gaps.

How is the data for the IT documentation recorded?

The data is recorded by automatic inventory using protocols such as WMI, SSH and SNMP.

How do I access inventoried information from decentralized locations?

All collected data is stored in a central database that can be accessed by authorized users.

Can the automatically generated maps be customized?

Yes, the automatically generated maps can subsequently be manually adapted and extended to meet specific requirements.

Can I create my own reports?

Yes, you can configure your own reports in Docusnap, which are then created and updated automatically and regularly.

Can IT concepts be adapted to the corporate design?

Yes, the concepts can be customized to meet specific requirements and company guidelines.

What are the advantages of displaying IT relationships?

The visualization makes it easier to understand the entire IT environment, supports troubleshooting and decision-making and improves IT security.

Is mobile access to Docusnap possible?

Yes, Docusnap offers mobile access options via web-based interfaces so that users can access important information on the move. Alternatively, there is also a cloud-based version called Docusnap365.

How does Docusnap help with IT resource planning?

By analyzing current usage and capacities, Docusnap supports the effective planning and allocation of IT resources.

Can the results of the permission analysis be exported?

Yes, the results can be exported in various formats such as PDF, Excel and Word for easy further processing and sharing.

What are the advantages of displaying IT dependencies?

It helps with troubleshooting, optimizes change management, improves security analysis and supports the planning and management of the IT infrastructure.

What are the advantages of displaying communication paths?

It enables better error analysis, optimizes network security, improves performance monitoring and supports network planning.

What are the advantages of license management with Docusnap?

License management helps to ensure compliance, optimize costs, avoid over- or under-licensing and prepare for audits.

How is the physical infrastructure represented in Docusnap?

Docusnap enables the realistic visual representation of racks including their cabling. There are also detailed room and site plans. The information can also be output in hierarchical lists.

Can historical data be presented in reports?

Yes, historical data can be exported and displayed in various report formats such as PDF, Excel and Word for easy analysis.

How often is the IT asset data updated?

The update frequency can be configured individually, but the inventory is typically carried out regularly to ensure up-to-date data.

What are the advantages of storing inventory data in a CMDB?

Storage in a CMDB enables central and structured management of all IT assets, improves transparency and supports error analysis and optimization.

Can business documentation be customized?

Yes, the documentation can be customized and expanded to cover all relevant information depending on specific company requirements.

What advantages does multi-client capability offer companies?

Multi-client capability enables cost-efficient management of multiple units, improves data security and facilitates central administration.

Is it possible to add custom fields in Docusnap?

Yes, Docusnap allows you to add custom fields to capture additional information and accommodate specific data requirements.

Can user rights and roles be customized?

Yes, user rights and roles can be customized in detail to ensure that users can only access the functions and data relevant to them.

Are the reports and documentation also supported in several languages?

Yes, reports and documentation can be created and displayed in the supported languages.

Can the user administration be connected to existing directory services such as Active Directory?

No, Docusnap has its own rights and role management for security reasons.

How is data imported from other IT management tools?

Data is usually imported from other IT management tools via CSV files, which are supported by Docusnap.

Is it possible to import data into Docusnap?

Yes, Docusnap offers features to import data from various sources such as CSV files and databases to seamlessly integrate existing information.

In which formats can the Connect packages be exported?

For further processing, the Docusnap Connect packages can be exported directly to another SQL or MySQL database. In addition, storage and time-controlled sending via e-mail as an XML, CSV or Excel file is also possible.

How does Docusnap improve collaboration within the IT team?

Docusnap ensures transparency and a common database, which means that all team members are on the same page and can work together more effectively.

Can Docusnap make troubleshooting and problem solving easier?

Yes, Docusnap provides detailed insight into the IT infrastructure, allowing IT administrators to identify problems faster and fix them more efficiently.

Can Docusnap facilitate the management of user rights and access permissions?

Yes, Docusnap provides a comprehensive overview of user rights and access permissions, allowing IT security officers to quickly identify and resolve unauthorized access.

Can Docusnap facilitate the security analysis and evaluation of customers' IT systems?

Yes, Docusnap offers security analysis features that help IT service providers identify and fix potential vulnerabilities in their customers' IT systems.

Can Docusnap improve IT security in financial institutions?

Yes, Docusnap provides comprehensive security analytics and reports that help financial institutions identify security gaps and take appropriate action to improve IT security.

Can Docusnap improve IT security in healthcare facilities?

Yes, Docusnap provides comprehensive security analytics and reports that help healthcare organizations identify security gaps and take appropriate action to improve IT security.

Can Docusnap improve IT security at educational institutions?

Yes, Docusnap provides comprehensive security analysis and reports that help educational institutions identify security gaps and take appropriate action to improve IT security.

Can Docusnap improve IT security in industrial companies?

Yes, Docusnap offers comprehensive security analyses and reports that help industrial companies to identify security gaps and take appropriate measures to improve IT security.

Can Docusnap improve IT security in public institutions?

Yes, Docusnap provides comprehensive security analysis and reports that help public organizations identify security vulnerabilities and take appropriate action to improve IT security.

Can Docusnap help with network troubleshooting?

Yes, with its detailed and up-to-date network maps, Docusnap makes it easier to identify and fix network problems by providing a clear overview of the structure and connections.

Is it possible to track the inheritance of user permissions with Docusnap?

Yes, Docusnap breaks down the complete authorization inheritance, which makes it easier to track and check effective user rights.

How does Docusnap contribute to the continuous improvement of the disaster recovery process?

Docusnap enables continuous monitoring and adjustment of the disaster recovery plan through regular updates and reports that respond to changing circumstances and new threats.

Is it possible to manage license agreements and terms in Docusnap?

Yes, Docusnap allows you to manage license agreements and terms, including reminders on expiration dates to take timely action to renew or terminate.

What information does an IT contingency plan created with Docusnap contain?

An IT contingency plan created with Docusnap contains detailed information about systems, applications, databases, network connections and recovery steps.

Can Docusnap help with the visualization of network information?

Yes, Docusnap offers powerful visualization tools that allow you to display the collected network information in the form of plans and diagrams.

Can Docusnap also inventory virtualized environments?

Yes, Docusnap supports the inventory of virtualized environments, including VMware and Hyper-V.

What are the benefits of automated inventory for companies?

It saves time and resources, reduces errors caused by manual entries, ensures that IT documentation is always up to date and provides support for audits and compliance requirements.

Can the results of the discovery function be exported?

Yes, the results can be exported in various formats such as PDF, Excel and Word for easy sharing and analysis.

Can reports be generated for individual locations?

Yes, Docusnap enables the creation of specific reports and evaluations for individual locations.

How does Docusnap support network inventory?

The network inventory module uses SNMP and other protocols to provide a complete overview of all network devices and their configurations.