Technical changes in the network

Stefan Effenberger

IT Documentation Expert

last updated







Reading time

3 Minuten


Technical changes in the network

Most of the time, new things are better than the old ones. Especially when it comes to commodities or consumer goods. In the world of IT, there is also the fact that there is hardly a standstill in the further development of any technology. This means that some devices or components would actually be old news after a relatively short time. But older equipment still often performs its service reliably, and so continued use often makes sense, and not just for reasons of economy.

Be aware of dependencies

Nevertheless, no company is spared the need to also regularly take care of the up-to-dateness of the in-house network with all its components and to exchange old technologies for new ones.
What looks like an uncomplicated procedure when it comes to furniture or the vehicle fleet can quickly turn into an unforeseeable problem when it comes to a company’s own IT. We are talking about dependencies.
If a table or a company vehicle is exchanged, this usually hardly affects the rest of the furniture or vehicle fleet. Yes, of course, there may be color differences and the new cabinet may not match the collection from the last decade. But still, this cabinet will do its job just the same. Apart from the aesthetics in the office, the normal workflow will hardly be disturbed.

An IT network is constantly in flux

If workstations or other devices are replaced that have previously performed their service in the network without complaint, it is necessary to take a more differentiated view of the matter in advance. In addition to the technical facts, the operating system and any new programs that may need to be purchased must also work seamlessly with the existing equipment.
Even if the existing network is expanded, for example by new employees, a new additional location or simply by integrating a new technology, it is not possible nowadays to simply buy in without hesitation. Even if there is a chance that this would work without complaint in many cases, a professional approach is advisable. On the one hand, to make the right purchases in advance; on the other hand, IT managers also save themselves a lot of headaches if the requirements and circumstances are already clarified in advance.

Hard to keep track

As long as internal networks remain manageable, documentation and organization play a rather minor role in many cases. The situation is different for networks that are no longer managed by just one person. The larger the network and the more employees use the network, the more extensive and professional the documentation behind it must be.

The solution: professional IT documentation

With a professional documentation solution such as Docusnap, not only are all devices in the network recorded, but dependencies between them can also be shown and documented. This is especially helpful when new devices are to be purchased or sub-segments of the network are to be replaced with a new technology. The practical structure of Docusnap enables seamless extensions to new structures and content.
In addition, Docusnap also provides a wonderful opportunity to create internal audits or budget plans, which are essential for a change or various acquisitions in most companies, with simple means for each authorized person.
With Docusnap, you are relying on a professional solution that is not only capable of providing appropriate information at any time, but also grows together with your company and IT infrastructure.

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