It is important for management, IT managers and IT administrators to have access to information concerning their own IT network. On the one hand, this information provides the decision-making level with an overview of their own systems. For IT managers and IT administrators, this information forms the basis for the further development and expansion of existing IT networks. And a good information base also provides extremely important services for active protection against possible cyber threats.
Not all information is good information
Normally, one would think that any kind of information is good information. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In the fast-moving age of the Internet and the resulting constant threat of new dangers, outdated information, for example, is very dangerous. Even when planning a regular IT renewal, for example of the servers, old information or undocumented changes are often a serious stumbling block when it then comes to purchasing the equipment specified in the budget and then discovering that important components are missing. Or perhaps they are no longer compatible with the latest generation.
Nor is it helpful for any department or managing director if information from different sources is used with equally varying degrees of reliability. We may be hated by the paper industry, but data on a piece of paper is basically obsolete from the moment it is immortalized on it with ink or toner.
Example from practice without professional IT documentation
There are also plenty of other departments that depend on up-to-date and reliable information on the subject of internal IT networks. Take, for example, a company’s data protection officer. This person is often not a member of the internal IT team and, because of his or her occupation, does not have first-hand access to current IT information. Nevertheless, he or she is obligated to fulfill his or her duties as a data protection officer as well as the special obligation to report to his or her employer or management at regular intervals. It’s hard to imagine what would happen if incorrect or outdated data were used here.
It goes without saying that IT departments and IT managers strive to provide all information and data to authorized employees with the utmost care. However, the amount of work involved in manual, i.e., manual counting and note-taking, becomes a mammoth task here as well.
For time reasons, despite all the professionalism of the company’s own IT department, work is also forced to be done with either data that is not up to date. Or, alternatively, the required information is often collected at great expense in terms of personnel and time. In this case, it can easily happen that the data is incompletely collected due to time pressure or that individual systems and components are simply overlooked. In the worst case, the last IT inventory is used, which is then several months old. The new accounting workstations acquired last month are completely overlooked, as they are not on the list.
What would you like to have?
The wish of every person providing information is certainly to always be provided with the latest information and details about changes. Ideally, this should be done proactively, so that the source of information remains up to date.
What in many areas must be regarded as more of a pipe dream is a basic requirement in the world of IT documentation and is actually feasible.
Professional IT documentation software not only combines comprehensive IT documentation and a self-updating IT inventory, but also provides opportunities for various departments to independently obtain the information that is important to them. All levels of a company, from the individual user to the department or team leader, all the way up to management, can be confident that all information is uncompromisingly complete and up-to-date at the time it is requested.
Docusnap as an ideal solution approach
To meet this requirement, the professional documentation software offers several features that provide a company with the desired common and reliable database.
Docusnap has automated mechanisms that independently inventory all hardware and software in the company’s own IT network at self-definable intervals and store them in a central database. This is the only way to display documents that are as important for internal purposes as an emergency manual or a network plan with data that is always up-to-date, and to output them in the desired manner.
As a further and important feature, Docusnap can also access a user management. This allows different users to access the reports intended for them. For example, the security officer for his area can get his information without involving the IT department. And can still be confident that he is accessing the latest data from a reliable source.
The same scenario naturally applies to management, other departments, the company’s own IT department, and even normal users who need to access an emergency manual, for example.
Many of the processes that are available in professional documentation software are the basis for reliably sharing important information from one’s IT network. In order to ensure that all persons authorized to receive information receive both up-to-date information and only the information intended for them, while keeping the personnel and time effort as low as possible, a professional solution such as Docusnap is a good choice.
If you would like to test Docusnap yourself, we offer you the professional documentation solution Docusnap at www.docusnap.com for 30 days free of charge. This gives you enough time to convince yourself of Docusnap. Do you have any questions? That’s no problem either. Because our professional support team offers you full support even during the free phase.
And if you have any questions about the purchase, our friendly sales team will also be happy to help you.