The most important thing in brief:

NIS2: Who is affected? Die NIS2 policy brings with it expanded IT security requirements and affects numerous companies in the EU. But Who is affected by NIS2? Which companies must adapt to new obligations? In this article, we explain which industries and organizations fall under the NIS2 regulation and how you can Check NIS2 impact Can.
What is the NIS2 Policy?
Die NIS2 policy (Network and Information Security Directive) is an EU-wide regulation to strengthen cybersecurity. It replaces the previous NIS Directive and expands both the scope of application and security requirements for companies and organizations. The aim is to increase the resilience of critical infrastructures and to be able to better ward off cyber threats.
NIS2 Policy: Who is affected?
Die NIS2 policy is aimed at companies and organizations that act as essential or important facilities be ranked. This applies in particular to:
1. Particularly critical sectors (major institutions)
This includes organizations from sectors whose failure would have serious effects on society or the economy. These companies are subject to particularly strict safety requirements:
- energy supply (electricity, gas, hydrogen, district heating) — Companies that provide critical energy infrastructure must implement robust security measures to prevent blackouts or cyber attacks.
- Transport and traffic (aviation, rail, shipping, road traffic) — The safety of transport networks is essential for the movement of goods and passengers. Cyber attacks could cause massive disruptions here.
- Banks and financial institutions — Financial organizations are at the center of the economy and are an attractive target for cybercrime, which is why they must meet high security standards.
- Health care (hospitals, laboratories, medical technology) — Healthcare institutions process highly sensitive patient data and must be protected against cyber attacks that could cripple vital systems.
- public administration — Government institutions must ensure a secure IT infrastructure to protect administrative processes and sensitive citizen data from threats.
- Digital infrastructure (data centers, cloud services, DNS providers) — These providers provide the technical basis for digital services and must therefore be particularly resilient to cyber threats.
2. Critical sectors (key institutions)
In addition to the particularly critical sectors, there are other sectors that are of strategic importance for the economy and society. They too must implement comprehensive IT security measures:
- postal and courier services — The secure delivery of documents and goods is increasingly controlled digitally, which is why cyber attacks could cause major disruptions.
- Waste and water supply — Utilities are essential for everyday life. A cyber attack on water infrastructure could cause significant health risks.
- Production and distribution of chemicals — Chemical companies produce some hazardous substances whose unauthorized manipulation or publication could have serious consequences.
- Food manufacturers and supply chains — The security of supply chains is crucial for supplying the population. Cyber attacks on this infrastructure could significantly disrupt production and logistics processes.
- Manufacturing industry (e.g. mechanical engineering, electronics production) — Manufacturers of complex technical products must secure their production processes and supply chains against cyber threats.
Check BSI NIS2 impact: Am I affected by NIS2?
Companies must independently own their Check NIS2 impact and determine whether they fall under the new requirements. In particular, the following criteria are decisive:
- sector: Does your company belong to one of the sectors mentioned above?
- Company size: Medium-sized and large companies with at least 50 employees and an annual turnover of over 10 million euros are affected.
- Critical services: Does your company provide essential services for society or the economy?
If you are unsure, you can use your Check NIS2 impact — including through a IT infrastructure and cybersecurity strategy analysis. that BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) offers an official NIS2 impact check , which companies can use to find out whether they are covered by the Directive. It should be noted that the audit only serves as a guide and the result is not legally binding. The BSI will adjust the NIS impact assessment accordingly as soon as a national implementing law has been passed.
Impact check with Docusnap
An efficient way to analyze NIS2 exposure is Docusnap. With automated IT documentation, companies can record their entire IT infrastructure and identify which systems and processes could be affected by the NIS2 Directive. Docusnap helps you to:
- to document IT assets and their criticality,
- to identify dependencies between IT systems and business processes
- Identify weak points and compliance risks at an early stage. Comprehensive analysis and reporting in Docusnap provides companies with a solid basis for their NIS2 compliance strategy.
Consequences for NIS2 affected companies
If your company is under the NIS2 policy If necessary, you must implement various security measures:
- Establish risk management for IT security: Companies must systematically identify and evaluate risks and take appropriate countermeasures. This includes the implementation of firewalls, intrusion detection systems and regular penetration tests.
- Observe reporting requirements for cyber attacks: Companies are required to report security incidents to the relevant authorities within 24 hours. This enables a faster response and limits potential damage.
- Conduct safety audits regularly: Companies must regularly review their security measures and adapt them to new threats. Audits help identify weak points and continuously improve the security strategy.
- Strengthen access and identity management: Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) and zero trust principles are essential to prevent unauthorized access to critical systems and data.
- Develop emergency plans for IT security incidents: Companies should define clear processes and measures to be able to react quickly and effectively in the event of a cyber attack. This includes crisis communication, recovery strategies and regular emergency drills.
Violations of the requirements can result in heavy fines and liability risks for management.
Conclusion: Who is affected by NIS2?
Die NIS2 Directive affects many companies, which have not yet been subject to NIS regulation. NIS2 affected companies must strengthen their IT security, minimize risks and adapt to new reporting requirements.
To find out whether your company is under the NIS2 policy falls, should you a thorough Check NIS2 impact. Use best practices and IT documentation solutions to ensure legally compliant implementation.
Learn more about NIS2 requirements in our detailed blog article: NIS2 Directive: All information about the new EU regulation.
The next steps:
Start with a systematic analysis of your IT landscape — preferably with Docusnap. The software helps you make well-founded decisions to modernize your legacy systems through automated inventory, visualization of dependencies and authorization analyses. Test the benefits now without obligation with the free trial version of Docusnap.
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