You know them from pictures and photos. The totally tidy and structured server rooms in which every speck of dust would immediately be noticed and eliminated. Exactly fitted server hardware, obstructed with dozens of panels in highly polished server cabinets with glass doors.
Just looking at these ultra-modern glass boxes with IT equipment crammed together makes me think more of a marketing department than the actual goings-on in the server room. In what universe does a professional server cabinet have a glass door?
Well, the experienced administrator knows that a closed cabinet with a glass door is rather counterproductive for the purpose of air circulation, but you have to show off the good money somehow if you don’t want to have to cut back properly at the next budget meeting.
Be that as it may, for most companies, security and functionality rightly take precedence over a high-gloss look, and many server rooms, despite their technically flawless functionality, look like a high-tech storage closet.
IT equipment does not always remain the same over the years, but is constantly being expanded. More technology, more locations, more equipment. Where are the NAS systems we bought back then? Are we now using the brand new ones, or are they off-site at another connected location for the backup strategy there? And to which system have we connected the old and soon to be replaced UPS?
Of course, it cannot be ruled out that one person in your company knows exactly where the devices are located because he or she set them up and installed them. If there are several people in charge, this knowledge is distributed among several people, if there are several locations – of course, among several people at several locations. And as luck would have it, person from location A wants to know what’s in the server room in location B.
We know both this type of request, whether from management, team leadership or accounting. And we also know how natural it is for the enquirer to receive an exact answer immediately. Many IT managers have already failed grandiosely at this.
The modern IT administrator or IT manager trusts here best in a professional documentation software like Docusnap. Not only can all devices be inventoried and the inventory kept up to date, but the complete infrastructure with all devices can also be assigned to a location. This means that the current inventory and location of all devices at all sites can be called up at any time.
How this works in detail is shown in the following short video.
Docusnap opens up many new possibilities for keeping an overview of the entire IT at all times. Create your own infrastructure plans with Docusnap and face future requests from your managers and colleagues with confidence.
Here's how it works in Docusnap:
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