Never again have to search for free IP addresses

Stefan Effenberger

IT Documentation Expert

last updated







Reading time

3 Minuten


Never again have to search for free IP addresses

As the company grows, so does the size of our networks. The more employees in the company work with IT, the more IT devices will also be in use.
IT administrators who have been with the company for years are still the rule rather than the exception. This is because, in addition to a fair amount of know-how, they also need years of experience in the very special requirements of their own networks and IT components. Since time immemorial, good planning of the actual network and the devices connected to it has also been more than just good practice.

Because we want to grow

When the company has reached a certain size, the question is not always just where to put all the employees, but for the administrator also – where do we get the IP addresses from?
Even if the workstations get their IP addresses from a DHCP server, there are many components in the network where fixed assigned addresses are advantageous. Servers, gateways, firewalls, printers, network switches, etc.
And most of them reserve certain areas for certain resources in the configurations of the DHCP servers. For example, printers only run in the IP address range – .230. Switches run from – .050. Everyone has their own specifications and divisions. If you defined too small a ranges years ago and now have more than ten devices in use in the near future instead of the five printers you had at the time, the IP address ranges provided for them will become scarce and have to be reorganised.

Simpler, faster, more effective – Docusnap

Docusnap users do not have to organise painting competitions among IT staff or read out IP addresses themselves with adventurous tools and paint a network with a complete overview using various graphics programs.
Docusnap itself regularly inventories the entire IT network in the background and has an integrated report out-of-the-box with which the IP address allocation can be easily output. In combination with the always up-to-date network map, nothing stands in the way of a correct reorganisation of the IP segments or simply an overview.
We show how easy this works in our (really very) short video.

With Docusnap, you not only save a lot of time and effort, but also reliably receive the most up-to-date information from your network. As a pleasant side effect, devices can also be detected that are not yet assigned to the corresponding IP segments. This kills two birds with one stone and immediately brings order back into the system.

Here's how it works in Docusnap:

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