Never again fear security gaps due to unwanted shares on the network

Stefan Effenberger

IT Documentation Expert

last updated







Reading time

3 Minuten


Never again fear security gaps due to unwanted shares on the network

Rules are there to be broken. This or something similar can be said of any well-managed network. Even with actually harmless options that enable us to make optimal use of network resources. A fixed component is therefore always shares that are made available in the network by different resources. In general, shares on servers are not only desirable, but also limited by strict rules. For example, drive shares can be restricted to certain users or groups and only made available to authorised persons. So much for the theory.

Now to the practice

Of course, network shares are also an excellent way to provide fast and uncomplicated access to resources within the network. And it is often not far from “Yes, I’ll quickly release a folder for access” to the realisation after several weeks and months “Oops, the share still exists”. Normally, created shares are not kept in a list in a network in order to check them regularly. And if the IT department has several employees who can create approvals, it quickly becomes confusing, especially with a large number of possible systems. This is because superiors often quickly demand temporary solutions that can be implemented unbureaucratically.

This does not only mean the central releases on the servers, but also those from the individual workstations of the employees.

Security comes first

For security reasons, however, no shares should remain open if they are not absolutely necessary. The best guidelines for staff and groups are of no use if gaps in access security open up behind the scenes that no one is monitoring. In order to see the shares in a network at a glance, it is sufficient to display all these shares in a constantly updated report in Docusnap with just a few mouse clicks. In this way, outdated and superfluous shares, which may have remained in place for years, can be quickly identified and closed.

In our short video we show you how to access this report with Docusnap.

By default, Docusnap enables an uncomplicated variety of information based on actual practice with a variety of reports, which not only facilitates the management of your own network, but also saves a lot of time in administration. And the more your network grows, the more fun you will have with Docusnap.

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