Create a network map automatically and save time

Stefan Effenberger

IT Documentation Expert

last updated







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3 Minuten


Create a network map automatically and save time

Das Wichtigste in Kürze:

  • Automatisierung spart Ressourcen: Die automatische Erstellung von Netzwerkplänen mit Tools wie Docusnap entlastet IT-Admins, indem sie die manuelle und oft fehleranfällige Dokumentation ersetzt und Zeit für dringlichere Aufgaben schafft.
  • Kontinuierliche Aktualität: Automatisierte Netzwerkpläne bleiben immer auf dem neuesten Stand, was entscheidend ist, da moderne IT-Infrastrukturen sich schnell verändern und regelmäßige Updates wichtig für die Sicherheit und Verwaltung sind.
  • Visuelle Übersichtlichkeit: Die Nutzung von Software zur Netzwerkplanung bietet präzise und übersichtliche Visualisierungen, die Administratoren und Entscheidungsträgern eine klare Struktur und schnelleres Verständnis der IT-Landschaft ermöglichen.

Creating network maps manually can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially in complex IT environments. To address these challenges, we introduce the benefits of automated network map creation in this blog post.

No time for manual network map creation?

Our IT networks are in a constant state of flux: old systems are being dismantled, new ones are being added, and some services are also being moved to the cloud. It’s hard for an IT admin to keep track of everything. One aid would actually be an up-to-date network map. Actually, who has the time to create a new network map every time a change is made? Entering the new systems into an inventory list is still done for the most part. But even the removal of old systems is often postponed. And the creation or updating of the network map usually falls completely behind. But with all the daily business, that’s no wonder. Which IT admin can complain about a lack of tasks or even boredom? On the contrary, overtime, working late into the night and on weekends are unfortunately part of the daily routine of the vast majority of IT admins. That doesn’t leave much time for time-consuming administrative tasks like creating network maps. Even though these would be very important. The majority of admins use Microsoft Visio to create network maps, because the presentation is nice and clear. But unfortunately, it has to be drawn completely manually, which is insanely time-consuming.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a “magic network map” that doesn’t get outdated and always updates itself?

There is!

Docusnap creates network maps automatically and recurrently

The market-leading automatic IT documentation and inventory software Docusnap saves you a whole lot of effort and time. The software inventories your entire IT environment independently and recurrently and creates network maps, routing maps, topology maps and much more based on this always up-to-date data. Intelligent layout algorithms arrange the individual elements optimally so that, for example, line overlaps are minimized. But Docusnap doesn’t just relieve you of the tedious task of creating these maps, it can also automatically send them to any recipient. This way, all your colleagues or IT service providers are always up to date as well. If you want to manually edit the network map, you can also export it as a Microsoft Visio file.
And best of all, Docusnap does this not just once, but at regular intervals that you specify. This means that outdated network maps are now a thing of the past.

Automate the creation of your network maps!

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Create a network map with Docusnap:

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