No unwanted software in the company

Stefan Effenberger

IT Documentation Expert

last updated







Reading time

3 Minuten


No unwanted software in the company

Microsoft Windows offers an incredibly large pool of software possibilities with its ability to use a wide variety of programs and applications. Anyone who has ever dealt with the multitude of installed programs also knows that controlling what is installed can quickly become a mammoth task with normal on-board means.

Too much freedom?

In some companies, therefore, there is a strict prohibition on allowing the user to install software. In that case, only what has been approved by pre-installation or IT administration is allowed. This certainly has advantages when it comes to keeping internal systems clean. On the other hand, however, it also significantly restricts the options for installing special tools and programs yourself. This can then become both a significant additional expense for the IT department and at the same time unnecessarily slow down employees in their work.

Other companies give more freedom in installation for various reasons. This, of course, means a great deal of freedom for the user when it comes to which tools and programs they want to use.

The internal “Moorhuhn” championships

Nevertheless, even for those companies that rely on more freedom, there are limits in terms of software that can be installed. If programs that are useful to the workflow are not a problem, there are many categories that are not welcome in companies. Be it for licensing reasons, security reasons or because the program simply has nothing to do with work and definitely belongs to leisure activities. Thus, a learning program can be a useful addition in individual cases, but a program to increase mouse-hand coordination, such as “Moorhuhn”, is certainly not part of the company’s training program. Most of the time, anyway. Since software installations should not be prohibited, we take the opposite approach with Docusnap. This way, programs can simply be entered into a list as “undesirable” and listed by Docusnap on all inventoried systems in the network. No “blacklists” are applied here, but rather free to search for unwanted “tools” according to your own shares.

And it can be that simple

How quickly you can detect unwanted software in your company, we show in our video.

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