When the big manufacturer with the M in front screws up, there’s a lot of whispering. Hacks and bugs, which seem to be occurring more and more frequently at the moment, can be a huge problem for our IT soup. After all, “It’s not our fault” at least serves to explain why servers have to be compromised, data encrypted and ultimately shut down for our own security. But it’s not always just the manufacturers’ security gaps. Other influences also have an impact on the security of one’s own company.
Keyword phishing. Hardly any hacker has the opportunity to hack passwords like in the blockbuster movies to get into a network. There are much more elegant methods to gain an attack point for the network. For example, using deceptive looking emails about bills, lawyer letters, credit card statements and even more creative reasons.
In recent years, we have all become somewhat sensitised to such mails. In the hectic pace of everyday work, however, I would not rule out the possibility that one or the other link is still clicked on unconsciously or by mistake.
Even if this only happens to a colleague with limited rights in the network, the damage caused by encrypted information and documents can be enormous. If someone with administrator rights gets caught, it means red alert for every company.
Not every company restricts administrative rights to just one or a few people. Sometimes there are very dynamic assignments, depending on requirements or areas. Assigning rights is one thing and can be done quickly. Withdrawing admin rights from people is much more complex.
Manually managed lists are nice to read, but after a short time you can no longer speak of them being up to date. It often happens that people who have moved from one department to another still have forgotten admin rights.
Searching the in-house domain for administrators can thus become quite a time-consuming process that should be carried out regularly.
The video linked below proves that the spectre can quickly be put to rest. There we show you an example of how a list of all users with administrator rights can be created easily, quickly and, above all, always up-to-date.
With Docusnap, such reports can be generated from the current database at the touch of a button. This gives you the necessary overview and, above all, uncompromising information on your current authorisation assignment.
Don’t let the effects of confusion or chaos rule you – with Docusnap you have the reins in your hands.
Here's how it works in Docusnap:
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