Das Wichtigste in Kürze:

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) provide server services for web applications. Apart from the IIS applications, various other Microsoft products rely on these services as well. It is therefore quite important to document this product too, even if it you would not say so at first sight. But the fact that other products use these services makes it an indispensable part of your IT documentation. Here again, resort to the Docusnap documentation tool to have the inventory performed automatically in the background. In the Docusnap User Manual, you find detailed instructions on how to proceed with this task. As usually, the inventory process is wizard-driven.
Extensive inventory of the web server applications
A Microsoft IIS inventory documents the file versions and the extensions in use, and the configuration of the corresponding websites. As you already know from the inventory of other system types, all configuration data is stored in the Docusnap database, so that this data can easily be added to IT relations and IT concepts. This ensures that, for these IT systems as well, your IT documentation will be based on existing inventory data and there is no need to create it manually. Complete you IT documentation by creating reports based on pre-configured templates.
Die nächsten Schritte:
Um Microsoft IIS effizient zu dokumentieren und zu verwalten, ist eine strukturierte IT-Dokumentation essenziell. Mit Docusnap erfassen Sie IIS-Server automatisiert, erstellen detaillierte Berichte und behalten alle Konfigurationen im Blick – ideal für Compliance und Sicherheit.
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