Exporting and Importing

With the helpful export and import functions, you can easily use the comprehensive information in Docusnap in other programs or expand Docusnap with the information you have already collected.

Simply continue working in other programs

From the outset, we designed Docusnap not to function as standalone software, but to share its valuable information with other programs. For this reason, the more than 200 standard reports, plans and diagrams can be exported just as easily as customized reports, IT concepts and evaluations. Word, Excel, CSV, Visio, HTML and PNG are just a few of the available export formats that enable simple further processing. You can also have Docusnap perform the export automatically and on a scheduled basis. The software stores the selected documents on freely definable shares or drives or sends them by e-mail.

Export of all output documents

Countless export formats

graphic process report
graphic CSV import

Import existing lists

Even though Docusnap automatically inventories a great deal of information about your IT network, the software cannot capture all objects or all the desired information about objects that is required for complete IT documentation. A few examples of this are smartphones, fire extinguishers or, quite simply, the inventory numbers of individual objects. However, if the required data is available in CSV format as structured text, additional objects can be created via CSV import and additional information can be added to existing objects. This can be done once interactively or automatically using the integrated scheduling function.

Adding individual objects

Mass import

Exporting and importing made easy

Discover our various export and import options for Docusnap in a live demo.


Welche Datenformate werden beim Export von Daten aus Docusnap unterstützt?

Docusnap unterstützt verschiedene Datenformate für den Export, darunter CSV, XLSX, PDF und HTML, um eine flexible Weiterverarbeitung der Daten zu ermöglichen.

Can reports and documentation be exported from Docusnap?

Yes, reports and documentation can be exported in various formats such as PDF, Word and Excel so that they can be easily shared and archived.

Ist es möglich, Daten in Docusnap zu importieren?

Ja, Docusnap bietet Funktionen zum Importieren von Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen wie CSV-Dateien und Datenbanken, um bestehende Informationen nahtlos zu integrieren.

How is data imported from other IT management tools?

Data is usually imported from other IT management tools via CSV files, which are supported by Docusnap.

Can data import and export be automated?

Yes, Docusnap enables the automation of data import and export processes to simplify recurring tasks.