Fast first aid for problems with company IT


Fast first aid for problems with company IT

In most companies, almost all important business processes are now closely intertwined with IT. More and more sophisticated systems support departments and management in managing day-to-day business, thus enabling smooth operations. Of course, not all the people responsible for these systems and processes are grouped together in one department, but are distributed more or less across the entire company.

The chain is as strong as its weakest link

If parts of the system fail, it will usually not only impact the affected department, but also affect overarching functions within the organization. Chaos can quickly spread here, and often the resolution of the problem is delayed because it is not recognized quickly enough what dependencies exist and who can contribute to solving the problem.

Someone knows

Right. A great deal of knowledge accumulates in a few heads and together you then reach the goal. It is disadvantageous when individuals from this select circle are absent due to vacation or illness. Or have left the company in the meantime. Those companies that have already fallen victim to such a circumstance have voluntarily begun documenting their business processes and IT dependencies.

Outdated IT documentation is often worse than none at all

If documentation of business processes related to IT is not kept up to date, outdated information can contribute to the creation of new ones when trying to fix problems. To get around this problem, it’s best to use documentation and inventory software that automatically keeps the entire IT structure up to date.

Docusnap saves a lot of work and trouble

Docusnap analyzes the complete IT network at regular intervals. By manually linking it to business processes, the most up-to-date correlations are not only available in an emergency, but can also be made accessible to management or other responsible parties at any time if desired.

In an emergency, the mapping of the processes and the associated system components provides the first light in the darkness. After the initial shock that something in the system has failed, reconstruction can begin immediately, eliminating unnecessary delays. What’s more, the complete information is immediately accessible and is not dependent on the presence of specific persons.

We show how easy it is to get the right overview with Docusnap in our video.

However, Docusnap does not only support you in emergencies. Thanks to the complete documentation and inventory, you already have all the answers ready before you can be asked about the network and IT. Always up-to-date, always complete. And if you want to test the functions that Docusnap offers beforehand, we also offer a 30-day trial version completely free of charge on our homepage.

Additional Information

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