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If the Upgrade/Downgrade option is selected in the Software Product step, the Upgrade/Downgrade step is displayed. Thereby it is possible to map the corresponding update hierarchies in the company. For example, you could specify for the current software product MS Office 2010 that it is an upgrade from MS Office 2007 and a downgrade from MS Office 2013. If multiple downgrade versions of a particular software product exist, you can easily select the ones relevant to your company. A product will only be used if you enable its checkbox in the respective line. A product that has already been selected as upgrade version cannot be selected as a downgrade version, and vice versa. Of course, only products already existing in the database are available for selection. If necessary, you will have to change these details again, for example, if an upgrade version has not been registered in Docusnap yet and will be added later.

If a software product selected as an upgrade or downgrade, the current product is not automatically added as a downgrade or upgrade, but must be added manually for the respective product.
