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The Connect area is used to create and manage Connect Packages.

  • The Connect Packages can be exported and imported using the Export Package and Import Package buttons.
  • Schedule Conncet Package: Click the Schedule Conncet Package button to open the Docusnap Connect wizard. This wizard can be used to schedule a timed export of data.


Additional functions are available in the action bar.

  • New: Creation of new Connect Packages is done with the New button.
  • Delete: Existing Connect Packages can be removed using the Delete button.
  • Clone package: Use the Clone Package button to copy a package and then modify it. Even packages that are included in the standard package and cannot be edited can be cloned and then customized as desired.
  • Edit: Clicking the Edit button opens a dialog where you can change the package name and description.

More information about Connect can be found in chapter Docusnap Connect.
