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Icon groups are created for the icon filter. Icon groups are already provided by default. These can be extended as required.

By using the icon groups, the values and the icons do not have to be created again for each node that uses the same icon filter.

Icon Groups

Icons - Icon Groups opens the tab for creating icon groups. The name of the icon group is used when defining the icon filter for a node in the tree. Default icon groups cannot be customized. User-defined groups can be created using the New button. In the text field Reference a table can be specified with [] or an initial value with {}. They will be resolved to the respective text when the icons are created and the appropriate icon can be selected. It is not necessary to specify a reference.



Icons - Icons opens the tab for creating icons. The default icons cannot be customized, but the icon groups can be extended. For example, if additional SNMP types or site types are created, the respective icons for the new types can be defined in the Icons tab.

By clicking the New button, a new value can be created for the group defined in the combo box. The standard icon is used in the tree and the preview icon in diagrams. To be displayed correctly, the original size of the icons should be 16x16 pixels and the size of the preview icons should be 100x100 pixels. If a reference has been specified for the group, the Reference Value button can be used to open the list of all existing reference values and select the value for which the icon should be defined.
