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Rich text boxes enable the user to enter and edit formatted text at runtime. Thus, the user can benefit from all format options that have been provided by Microsoft for the corresponding text entry fields. Similar to a mini-word processor, users can apply simple formatting to the text as well as paste graphics, tables, photos and other objects simply by using copy & paste. Images can also be inserted via the button Docusnap-Editor-Rich-Text-Image, this button is activated at the Richtextbox. Elements copied from another applications (or other parts of Docusnap) can be pasted at the current cursor position by pressing the <Ctrl>+<V> hotkey or by clicking the corresponding button on the toolbar, provided that this functionality is supported by the rich text box. Thus, rich text boxes are particularly suitable to enter comprehensive passages of text such as notes, comments, or they can simply be used as a means to enter formatted text.


When using rich text boxes, please note that the formatting applied to the text will be saved in the database as strings. When creating database fields that save formatted text, make sure that they are large enough for this purpose. Example: A length of nvarchar(255) will be sufficient in only a few cases, because this character count will be easily exceeded by the formatting instructions that add to the text itself. For this reason, it is a good idea to use rich text box controls primarily in connection with database fields of the MEMO or TEXT type.


In addition to the global properties, rich text box controls have the properties shown in the table below.

Specific Properties of Rich Text Box Controls


Determines if scroll bars will be displayed and if so, which type. In principle, navigation within a rich text box control is also possible without scroll bars by using the keyboard or the mouse. However, scroll bars significantly facilitate this process.


Determines whether the controls for text alignment will be shown or not.


Determines whether the controls for copying, pasting and cutting text will be shown or not.


Determines whether the controls for basic font formatting will be shown or not.


Determines whether the control for inserting images will be shown or not.


Determines whether the controls for text formatting will be shown or not.


Determines whether the Undo and Redo controls will be shown or not.



If a rich text box control is used to enter formatted text, it is also necessary to define a Docusnap rich text box in the corresponding position of the associated reports. If you do not modify the affected reports accordingly and apply a normal Docusnap text box in the reports instead, the full content of the rich text box control, including the formatting instructions in plain text, will be shown in this field. However, the reverse does not present any problems. A rich text box control can easily show the content of normal text boxes. Please note that, in this case, when editing plain text using a rich text box control, the content will automatically be assigned formatting instructions. This might lead to an erroneous presentation of the modified text when displayed in normal text boxes.